
Getting Wild

Photography has captivated me since I was 15, largely due to its diverse styles and genres. My particular affection lies in nature photography, where capturing the essence of plants and wildlife becomes an art in itself. For years, my lens choices limited my ability to get close to more elusive subjects like birds. However, this all changed when I acquired the Sigma 60-600mm L mount lens for my Leica SL2S.

The experience has been nothing short of transformative. This lens has not only allowed me to explore new dimensions in my photography but has also reignited my passion for venturing outdoors, eagerly seeking the next great shot. The joy of attaching this lens and stepping out into the wild is a feeling I cherish.

Photography, to me, is a journey of constant discovery and experimentation. This new lens has broadened my horizons and enhanced my capabilities as a photographer in ways I hadn't anticipated. I'm thrilled to share the collection of photos I've taken over the past few weeks with this remarkable lens. Each image is a testament to the joy and endless possibilities that come with embracing new tools and techniques in photography.

Ryan Garrison